
Rooks Keep
Rooks Keep
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Buy Viscera Cleanup Detail: The Vulcan Affair
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v1.1 and The Vulcan Affair DLC is out now!
Posted by: BlackEagle
December 11, 2018: 4:09 pm


Greetings, my suave custodians and guardians of hygiene liberty!
I come bearing a bountiful and dripping bucket of interesting news.


The first order of business is the new DLC:
The Vulcan Affair

The Vulcan Affair #1The Vulcan Affair #2The Vulcan Affair #3
The Vulcan Affair #4The Vulcan Affair #5

His plans set in motion, Dr. Hades and his villainous underlings laughed to themselves from their seats at an elaborate table, deep underground on a remote island lair. It would prove to be a short-lived interlude however, as Fox Huntington, dapper plot-foiler extraordinaire and international man-of-action, proceeded to lay waste to the twisted Doctor’s evil plans! The world was saved!
Now that an international super-spy has done their part, it falls to you to get on with the real work..
So, straighten up your bow-tie, spray on your finest fragrance and pay a visit to your nearest gadget store; it’s time to clean this place up!


The new DLC features a number of new game elements.

  • An entire facility to explore and give a good scrubbing.
  • Eight new songs for the Big Banger radio.
  • Ten new achievements to complete.
  • A whole bunch of new mechanics and odd things to discover.
  • A satisfying feeling.



As always, you can access any DLC through the “Switch Game” button on the main menu.


More Maps!
Buy now!


Along with the DLC in this release, we have also added another three levels for the main game!
Yes, three! We even managed to squeeze another one in there.


The three new levels feature a number of interesting new features and/or new content.

  • Core Sample: An experimental energy and research facility featuring high-tech equipment and the largest gameplay additions of any of the three levels.
  • Penumbra: An abandoned storage facility that went dark and had to be investigated.
  • Pestilent Penitentiary: A backwater prison colony subjected to a rather unfortunate event.

Each one has its own achievement.


More Info


Head on over to the Steam Announcement page for more info(especially regarding Steam Workshop) and a tasty Changelog.


Also, if you want to buy the new Vulcan Affair DLC, simply head on over here, or directly to the Steam store page.


Whew, that’s about it.
Enjoy, everyone!

Blog Archive
v1.1 and The Vulcan Affair DLC is out now!
Posted by: BlackEagle
December 11, 2018: 4:09 pm


Viscera Cleanup Detail v1.0! And other news!
Posted by: ShadowBlade
November 13, 2015: 3:26 pm


We’re taking a break!
Posted by: BlackEagle
January 5, 2015: 1:30 pm


Rooks Keep Released from early access!
Posted by: BlackEagle
December 8, 2014: 7:46 pm


Remainder of 2014: summarized roadmap
Posted by: ShadowBlade
November 17, 2014: 5:54 pm


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