
Bloody Hell bugs
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Author:  rutenguten [ Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Bloody Hell bugs


I've been having this problem with the bloody hell mutator in terms of functionality. For some reason, playing on the 64bit version of UT2004 bugs out bloody hell for me to the point of which the blood trails, impact splats, and other gore textures are absent from certain surfaces. Stumps and the blood that drips from them are still present, but all of the other aspects are not present. All of the blood features are present on land based textures which allows for all the bloody goodness on maps like Torlan or Albatross. After a clean install I was able to determine that these problems only occur in the 64bit version of the game. 32 bit always works like a charm but I crash way too frequently on that build. Its not a deal breaker for me, but I certainly miss all of the sweet blood that I'm used too. Does anyone have potential fixes for this issue?

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