RuneStorm |
need some help/cooperation for a mod |
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Author: | mzoltan22 [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:04 am ] |
Post subject: | need some help/cooperation for a mod |
Hello, I decided to make some modifications to ballistic weapons, i tought about a lot of features. I need someone, who would help me by joining me, and while i would do some separate parts of the mod, he/she/it would do another part of it in paralell, and when one of us finished with a part, could go on for another one or could help the otherone to finish his/her part or could come up with a new idea to add. i've started now with the most basic idea, and i generally would do the gamelogic part with some added features as real magazine change not just reload the mag in the weapon, picking up stuff with the use key the only limiting factor now being the weight of stuff picked up compared to the most weight the player could carry. the basics of its is done, now i have to finish it, plus making carried weight a factor of speed, so the more weight means slower motion, agility whatever. Phases of mod: 1) complete the stuff regarding gameplay mechanics 2) adjust and tweak some weapons, or change them substancially, add some new. (for exemple i would like to introduce a heavy weight shoulder mounted weapon working on real metalstorm principles with stacked projectile, nad ingame somewhat programmable shooting modes (while programming, you have to use the skope/lcd on it, here you would be able to set up the fire cycle: like saying wich barrel would fire, then how much delay would be untill the next fire, here you can add a factor by wich this delay would lenghten or shorten with each cycle, and you could define the number of cycles (or have it "infinite" till ammo runs out) and define, wheter reset the cycle if you stopped firing within in it, or complete it once you push button again). the weapon woulc be an over the shoulder metalstorm barrel combo, a screen or optics in the left side, a recoilpad with recoil buffer rest against the shoulder, and the provision for mounting the gun, setting it auto fire. 3)add good enough bot support for things, and in case there is still some processor/memory cycles left to spare, would be cool to spice up the tactics (teamplay) of the bots. for the first phase, i guess i need 1 coder to join me, so we could progress faster and one modeller would be cool, who would only need to modell a good enough soldier (if anyone intrested i will go into detail). the sub phases of the first phase: 1) various gamplaylogic mechanics, "remove" melee from the weapons, and integrate it into a new melee fighting mechanics (just to spice it up). fix some of the little bugs. More detailed vehicle damage, with zones akin to humanoid players. damagability of every weapons. bullets will need some time to travell and they will drop at range, change when they go through some material, depending on the angle with wich it hit that material, its momentum and the difference between the previsou material, and the newly encountered, plus some random. secondary could have weapon modes as well. armor for bodyparts. a changed loadout mutator, so you could pick your equipment regarding cerriable weight, possibility to save more loadouts, so you could pick the appropriate one from a list. Check how explosions behave, and if there is no damage dependence regarding arrea coverage, then i would add it.... and some other things maybe wich i don't list here. This can be done paralell to the next i (would do this part if noone disagree). 2)Here i would need someone (or some people) who would find out a way to make the third person modell visible, wich would have a greater level of detail if you are very close to it (aka if you are the player controlling that modell). so you could see your legs. also, it would be cool if that person would find out how to move the view not linearly to mouse movement (like in red orchestra, or sort of like that). would be good, if also, he would find out how to get skeletal animation, and would be able to modify the current skeletal animation by will (regarding some parameters). it should be so, that this modell would turn its attached weapon exectly to the directon, where the weapon is pointed in game logic (now, as you can see with a weapon having aimer laser, the third person weapon doesn't always point to the direction of the laser beam). figure out how to apply keqfram animation to sertain parts of the skeletal body of your character, how to remove bones. This part might be a little big, but anyway, if you want you can do any part you think you could do. 3)It builds on the previous animations such as prone, climbing, possibility for backpack weapons to have their cabkles,belts attached, (possibly) melee combat using mouse to define the next direction of slash, stab, so that it would be also visible. the weapons would have only one graphics, entities related thing, so the same would be the pickup, theweapon, and the weapon attachment. the player modell would have no hands (but would have forearms), but the hands would be attachments, just like a weapon. also, the weapons would have an attached bone, (or more) wich is a hand without arm, this is to make it unnecessery to compute the place of finger on the weaon handle and trigger, since the hand would be integrated with the weapon. upon dropping the weapon, the hand bone would be hidden, except if an explosion was the guilty for dropping it : D (im sick i know ![]() About the later parts, i think some more coders would be good (3-4 including me), but first things first! Well of the ideas may be possible with the engine, some of them may not. Anyway, if you are intrested please let me know, i can use the help/cooperation most definitly : ) If you are not intrested but you want to include one of the ideas in your open project, please let me know it also, so i will take it out of your project, if it will be a compatible solution. Sorry for any inconveniences or grammatical mistakes. |
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