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Viscera Cleanup Detail v0.25 on Early Access!

A bring (late)news of the most fantastical! Viscera Cleanup Detail is now out on Steam Early Access, version 0.25 no less, for $8.00!

With this update comes 2 new maps, a redesigned punch-out system, various fixes, Multiplayer networking through Steam, DEAD WORKERS!!

If you have already bought the game through the Humble Widget on our site, Humble Store, or any other bundles, you will have received a Steam key.
Also, anyone who has bought Santa’s Rampage on Steam already will receive a discount!
Furthermore, purchasing this version on Steam Early Access also gives you a Steam key to the Santa’s Rampage AND Shadow Warrior spin-offs.

Here is the general list of changes:

-Steam networking: now you can connect through Steam to friend games using a list on the Main Menu.
-New “Waste Disposal”(Sewer) map
-New “Caduceus” map
-The newly added Janitor Office
-Redesigned punch-out system, far more interesting now!…also makes punching-out a no return choice.
-Glorious dead worker bodies to clean up. Extra creepy worker bodies mind you.
-Movable and burnable body-bags!
-Many glorious fixes and improvements.
-Mad writings intended to destroy your mind!

And in-case you are somehow foolish enough to not be interested, we’ve got you covered…in blood.
Time out!BZZZT!Workshop!Meeting!Oh Dear!

And that’s that for now, Mr.Waddles clocking-off!


3 Responses to “Viscera Cleanup Detail v0.25 on Early Access!”

  • DOGE:

    Will there be an opportunity to drink beer/use drugs (accidentaly of course, because they’re alien drugs) in the finished game. That’d be sweet. I purchased this game yesterday and I wasn’t dissapointed.

  • Darkpaw:

    Cant wait to see what comes next for Viscera. Hopefully some sort of over powered vacuum to make policing all those bullet casings a little easier lol. Love this game. Keep up the great work.

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